Upcoming t.co Changes

Thursday, 6 December 2012

We’d like to share some upcoming changes to our t.co link wrapper with the ecosystem. We’re going to be extending the maximum length of t.co wrapped links from 20 to 22 characters for non-https URLs, and 21 to 23 characters for https URLs.

To give everyone enough time to update their applications, this change won’t go into effect for two months - so please consider this a heads up. On February 6th, 2013, the GET help/configuration method will start to return the updated values for the length of characters returned in the following key-value pairs:

  1. “short_url_length”: 22,
  2. “short_url_length_https”: 23,
  3. “characters_reserved_per_media”:22

Two weeks later on February 20th, 2013, we will begin generating and returning t.co URLs with this new maximum length. Ensure that your application is prepared to handle this change by that date.

If you have any questions or feedback on this change, please let us know by posting them on this Discussion thread.