On Twitter’s 8th birthday, find your first Tweet

Thursday, 20 March 2014

In 2006, people began to say a little something on Twitter through 140-character bursts of plain text. Eight years later, all of you have transformed Twitter into a place to discover new ideas, make real human connections and express yourself freely. So as we mark our 8th birthday, we’d like to say thank you — to you.

Millions of prolific tweeters have made the Twitter platform an exciting, fun and powerful place to connect with others. But each of you had to start somewhere: Today we’re taking a look at some interesting first Tweets — first Tweets that sparked a conversation, used imagery to tell a story, or revealed unfiltered self expression.

You can celebrate your #FirstTweet, too. Using this Tweet tool, you can look back to find your very first Tweet — or for that matter, anyone else’s. Just type in your @username, or that of anyone — your best pal, favorite comedian, a star or a president.

Celebrate first Tweets together by using the hashtag #FirstTweet.

Here is Jack Dorsey’s first Tweet and 8 other memorable first Tweets — and here’s to you, for making Twitter all that it is. Thank you.

8 tips to get started on Twitter (in 140 characters or less):

  1. Use Twitter to discover great content, connect with others and express yourself. Twitter works best on-the-go, so download the app today.
  2. Create a Twitter account. Your @username is your identity on Twitter which people will use to follow you and send messages to you.
  3. Import your contacts from your mobile device. Click ‘Follow’ to subscribe to your friends’ Twitter accounts and see what they are up to.
  4. You don’t need to tweet to use Twitter. Simply follow your favorite people, brands and topics to see and read their Tweets in real-time.
  5. If you see an interesting Tweet, reply to it to start a conversation. Share your thoughts and passions among people with the same interests.
  6. Compose a Tweet in 140 characters or less. Even better, use the app to take a photo or add an image to your text for a more engaging Tweet.
  7. Tweets are public, so tweet as if your grandma is reading it. Some conversations are better in private, so use ‘Direct Message’ instead.
  8. See a great Tweet? Favorite it and click ‘Retweet’ to share with your followers. Pass it around, so that other people enjoy the Tweet, too.

For more friendly tips on how to use Twitter, visit discover.twitter.com.

*Editor's note: As of November 2017, Twitter has increased the character count of Tweets in certain languages to make it easier to share what’s happening.


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