
#TapIntoTwitter Tel Aviv talks Twitter Developer Labs

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Visiting the Tel Aviv Twitter Developer Community

The year was 2015. Tweets were limited to 140 characters. Video and live streaming on Twitter weren’t yet enabled. You could attach an image to a Tweet, but were limited to just one. That was the last time that Andy Piper (@andypiper), Global Lead in Developer Advocacy, had stopped by to visit the Tel Aviv Twitter Developer Community (and in the middle of a historically awful sandstorm, to boot!).

It’s 2019 now and we’ve come a long way, baby. That’s what Andy stopped by to share with the Tel Aviv Twitter Developer audience at the recent #TapIntoTwitter Tel Aviv event.

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New features, new functions, and even a new developer platform have all been born since that last visit, and Andy was there on behalf of the Twitter team to get feedback from our Developers in Tel Aviv, as well as to talk about things that are around the corner for the Twitter API.

Introducing new Twitter API functions

In a room of roughly 50 attendees, comprised of researchers, developers, and interested social media power users and managers, Andy brought Tel Aviv up to speed on changes to the platform, to different rules and policies, and updates for the academic research crowd. He also introduced attendees to Twitter Developer Labs, a program designed for those developers who know the Twitter API best to test new functions and offer their feedback as Twitter builds the next generation of the API. As new features are tested, Twitter developers in Tel Aviv and throughout the world will be able to provide their thoughts, opinions, and suggestions on what is needed, what’s not, and what works best for them, as long as they have an approved developer account.

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In addition to Twitter Developer Labs, Andy shared the public roadmap for new feature roll-outs, to include some new updates that have been added in just the last few weeks! He provided a demo of the new developer portal and showed how an upcoming real versioning scheme would mean an easier evolution of the API over time (with greater predictability for developers to adapt and grow as the API does). At Twitter, we also know that academic research is important to our developers, to the tune of nearly one third of all new Twitter developer accounts stating that they are using Twitter Data to conduct academic research. Andy let our Tel Aviv audience know that we understand the existing challenges facing those researcher-developers, and that we are working on addressing those challenges. The key is to make sure that, while we recognize and address those challenges in academic research, we also protect the health of our developer platform and continue keeping our users safe, since most Tweets are public.

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Celebrating the Israeli Twitter Developer Community

We are so thrilled to have this great dialogue with the Israeli developer community-- keeping them up to date on the exciting new changes to our developer platform and soliciting their input, as well as the input of all Twitter developers on a global scale.  Our Twitter Developer Labs program is already open to all those with an approved Twitter Developer account. Be sure to check back and be among the first to see new feature releases and provide your thoughts and observations on these new features! We rely on communities like Tel Aviv-- like the rest of our global developer community-- to keep Twitter at the forefront of social data.

Want more #TapIntoTwitter?

Read the highlights from #TapIntoTwitter NYC held on June 4, 2019.
Catch the recap from #TapIntoTwitter LA held on August 29, 2019 at NASA.

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