
Leveraging Twitter data and AI to generate risk intelligence

Friday, 10 May 2019

We know that Twitter data benefits marketing teams, customer service departments, and even business development forces, but what if it could also aid in assessing risk for your company? What if social data could be used to determine whether a potential supplier would be a good fit for your company, whether your investment in them would be a good one, or whether they were on the brink of a major industrial accident? Twitter API customer Prewave specializes in risk assessment for their clients, and by using Twitter data, they are able to analyze whether risks are extensive enough to affect a myriad of other company departments, including accounting, supply chain, and operations.

While Prewave started out with our free, standard data APIs, they soon realized that the benefits of Twitter’s premium APIs could exceed their previous offerings, particularly through on-demand historical analysis. This new case study reveals how the Prewave team utilized those premium APIs to level up on their data capabilities, and what they were able to offer their clients in the way of risk assessment and predictive analytics. Premium Twitter data enabled Prewave to unearth major risk incidents for their clients’ global suppliers, such as pollution, industrial accidents, and labor disputes, before they happened. Read through the entire story here to see yet another powerful, cost-saving application of Twitter data.

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