
Sunday, 7 July 2013

Fresh from Centre Court success in last night’s Men’s Final, Wimbledon champion @Andy_Murray took time out of his schedule today to answer questions from his 1.9 million Twitter followers.

Users sent in their questions using the hashtag #AskAndy, and were treated to answers directly from Murray, the first British man to win the singles championship for 77 years.

The Tweets give a fascinating insight into the mind of a champion as he digests the enormity of his sporting success:

Twitter brings fans closer to their sporting heroes than ever before, and after Murray’s Wimbledon success, fans flocked to the platform to share their excitement at Murray’s success. This Tweet, sent in the hours following his victory, has now been ReTweeted and favourited more than 160,000 times, making it Murray’s most popular Tweet on the platform ever:

 For more stats and facts from last night’s match, be sure to check out our previous blog, Murray wins Wimbledon.