
Introducing new ways to monetise live content on Twitter

Friday, 2 September 2016

Incredible moments are shared, discovered and discussed live on Twitter and Periscope every day, and live video is enriching how we experience and participate in those events as they happen. Today, we are introducing a new way for brands to join and add to the Twitter conversation using live video broadcasts and highlights from Periscope.

For this year’s US Open, Andy Roddick has teamed up with Chase and Grey Goose to create a series of broadcasts that will add compelling, relevant live video to the existing #USOpen conversation on Twitter. Throughout the tournament, he will invite viewers to watch the broadcasts with him, giving his expert perspective on the matchups and gameplay and driving tune-in to the broadcast. Andy will also share his experience attending the US Open. During each broadcast, he will answer questions and engage with the audience, allowing viewers to take part in how he experiences the tournament. All of this will be live on Periscope and Twitter.

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Joining Andy Roddick’s experience of the US Open will offer tennis fans an unprecedented way to bring the tournament to life in their own homes. Spectators will be able to engage with both Andy and the exciting match play in real time, all while celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Grey Goose Honey Deuce – a vibrant and refreshing cocktail that is now recognised as an iconic accompaniment to the most anticipated sporting event of the summer.

Tom Swift

Global Vice President, Grey Goose Vodka

We’re really excited to partner with Andy. When he started Periscoping during Wimbledon, it was clear to us that is a change in how people will watch sports. We think this will be Chase’s best year out at the Open with our partnerships with Andy and Serena, our name on the roof, and some great fan experiences on site. And with #MasterTheOpen campaign we want tennis fans to have the best US Open experience possible, even if they can’t make it out to Arthur Ashe.

Kristin Lemkau

Chief Marketing Officer, JPMorgan Chase

The Amplify program works in partnership with content creators and brand partners to create unique, immersive experiences on Twitter and Periscope. This campaign will appear in a few ways on Twitter: Periscope broadcasts will be shared through Tweets from @andyroddick, select broadcasts will appear as Promoted Tweets from the brand launch partners, and branded broadcast highlight videos will be Tweeted by Andy and shared by the brand partners.

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To join Andy Roddick’s experience live during this year’s US Open, follow @andyroddick@Chase and @GreyGoose on Twitter. If you’re interested in exploring how your brand could launch a campaign with a premier content creator, reach out to your Twitter rep to learn more.

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