
Nat Geo UK launches Gordon Ramsay’s #Uncharted TV show

Monday, 23 September 2019

Each month we’re highlighting great short-form video campaigns that work on Twitter. We hope they’ll provide inspiration and show best practice. This week we have @NatGeoUK launching its new UK series ‘Uncharted’ featuring its host, Gordon Ramsay. 

What’s it for?

The campaign is designed to raise awareness on @NatGeoUK ‘Uncharted’ show featuring Gordon Ramsay. #Uncharted sees the celebrity chef visit remote countries including Peru, Morocco, Hawaii and Laos and create delicious meals using local ingredients and traditional cooking methods. 

Why it’s good 

National Geographic ran a pre-roll asset for this In-Stream Video campaign. The asset is short and dynamic, making it perfectly optimised for mobile. 

The use of Gordon Ramsay speaking directly to camera and Twitter viewers delivers all the key information, including a reminder to use the #Uncharted hashtag, to drive tune-in within these six seconds. 

The use of persistent branding with the logo and show’s details at the top of the screen helps drive brand recall and message awareness. 

With their mobile-optimised asset and their #Uncharted hashtag, @NatGeoUK has raised awareness of the show’s premiere and driven conversation on the platform. 


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