
Meet the new and improved #TwitterFlightSchool

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Have you heard?  We’ve relaunched Twitter Flight School with all new coursework, look and feel, and achievement badges. 

At Twitter Flight School, you’ll learn how to cultivate the right audience, supercharge your campaigns, and understand metrics via bite-sized courses, which you can take in your own time.  Along the way, you’ll learn:

  • Twitter advertising fundamentals: See why Twitter’s audience sets it apart and how to develop creative with best practices that effectively reach them.  
  • Getting started with Twitter’s Ads Manager: Set up campaigns, target the right audiences, and master our reporting tools to ensure your campaigns succeed.
  • How to supercharge your campaign with video: Video is changing how advertisers create content on Twitter. Learn about our video ad products and how you can use them to share your message with the world.

Our coursework is uniquely structured to let you pick and choose what you want to learn. Start with the fundamentals or jump into video campaigns––you decide if you’re going to work towards a badge or find something specific.  Throughout the coursework, you’ll find best practices, actionable recommendations, and inspirational case studies.

Ready to get started?  Tap-in to a session at and start creating campaigns that will take-off, today.

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