Demographic insights via Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings

Monday, 19 May 2014

Television ratings have long relied on a sophisticated set of metrics to offer insight into the reach and success of a program. Today, Nielsen (@NielsenSocial) announced that they’ve added demographic insights to the Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings (NTTR), providing new potential for measuring the impact of Twitter TV conversation.

Gender and age data (breaks include 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-54, 55+ and 18-49) are available for both the activity and the reach of a given program; that is, age and gender about those posting Tweets and those viewing Tweets about TV. The demographics offered via the NTTR are aggregated anonymously using a modeled approach based on what users have shared publicly on Twitter.

Because Twitter does not require users to provide demographic information when signing up for an account, the NTTR demographics are measured using a privacy-protective modeled approach. The models determine demographics by analyzing information that people share publicly on Twitter, such as first name, accounts followed, and profile text. The demographic categories are then attributed only on an anonymous or aggregated basis requiring a minimum group size in order to maintain user privacy.

In addition to the program-specific insights available through the NTTR, Nielsen Social has also released findings across an array of content. Their research shows that there are significant differences in the age and gender profiles of Tweeters across individual programs and between programming types, and that the Twitter TV Audience is more demographically balanced than Twitter TV Authors. This finding indicates that by engaging viewers on Twitter around TV programming, advertisers and networks can complement and extend beyond the demographics reached through traditional TV with Twitter.

Taken together, the metrics available via NTTR offer deeper insight into your Twitter TV success — looking beyond activity to discover the size of the audience seeing those Tweets, and discovering who else is engaging with your programming. For more information about NTTR and the new demographic data, you can read Nielsen’s full analysis here visit or visit