
#TwitterForGood Day

Friday, 12 May 2017

Last Friday, Twitter employees around the world participated in our biannual #TwitterForGood Day – an opportunity to partner with nonprofits and neighbors, to strengthen our relationships, and work together to improve our communities. We partner with organizations that do incredible work and address a wide range of needs. Our teams participated in projects that ranged from preparing meals to cleaning up parks and community centers, solidifying our commitment to the communities we serve around the world.

This day is a reminder that we are all connected. As activist Lilla Watson says, “If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

Through #TwitterForGood, and the work we do every day, Twitter employees across the globe not only serve our communities but also laugh, learn, and deepen our connections with organizations making lives better in the places we live and work.

Read on to see some highlights from our recent series of #TwitterForGood Days.

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Training Students on the Importance of Online Safety (Jakarta, Indonesia):
@TwitterID partnered with Tempo Institute (@TempoInstitute) to lead a session for Jagat Arsy International School students (@jagatarsyibs) on how to use and stay safe on Twitter. The activity was part of a roadshow held by Tempo Institute to raise awareness about how to be better Internet users.

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Empowering Young People (Sydney, Australia):
The @TwitterAU team spent the day at the Police Citizens Youth Club (@PCYCNSW), one of Australia’s leading youth-focused organisations, offering a range of fitness, leisure, and drop-in opportunities for young people and adults alike. There, they helped restore the the garden, providing a green space for the young people visiting the center every day.

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Highlighting Press Freedom Around the World (Paris, France):
On March 24, @TwitterFrance spent the day working alongside Reporters Without Borders (@RSF_Inter), helping the team organize photo albums documenting freedom of the press around the world, packing and preparing more than 1,000 albums.

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Promoting #WearAHatDay with Brain Tumour Ireland (Dublin, Ireland):
@TwitterDublin partnered with its Charity of the Year, Brain Tumour Ireland (@braintumourIRL) to promote #WearAHatDay. Twitter employees  wore their finest headwear, and encouraged others across the country to do the same by sharing selfies and updates throughout the day. The initiative was covered in national print and broadcast media, was the number one trend in Ireland, with notable participants including Irish Rugby and the Dublin Fire Brigade. “Brain Tumour Ireland was honoured to be chosen by Twitter Dublin as their Charity of Year. The #TwitterforGood day was great for us in terms of raising awareness of brain tumours and raising funds for patient support and research. Thanks to all at Twitter Dublin for their hard work on this!”

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Coordinating Lunch for Adults Living With Chronic Illness (San Francisco):
Catholic Charities Peter Claver Community (@CatholicCSF) is a comprehensive on-site residential care facility for chronically homeless adults living with disabling HIV/AIDS, mental health and addiction. Opened in 1985, the program marked one of the earliest attempts by any organization to aggressively serve those sick and dying from HIV/AIDS. Twitter employees coordinated lunch for over 30 residents, helping the community center cook, prepare, and serve meals. 

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Visiting the Boys & Girls Clubs SF - Tenderloin Clubhouse (San Francisco):
Twitter employees @TwitterSF joined the Boys & Girls Clubs’ Tenderloin Clubhouse, where employees played with the kids, organized a movie afternoon, and took the group to Boeddeker Park. Twitter team members also had the opportunity to learn more about the programs available at the Club, and the different ways they work to serve over 1,600 youth (ages 6-18) per day. Ahead of #TwitterForGood Day, members of the Club also spent the day at Twitter HQ.

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Providing Meals with Meals on Wheels (San Francisco):
@TwitterSF partnered with Meals on Wheels San Francisco (@MOWSF) to provide homebound senior citizens and adults with disabilities a full weekend’s worth for food, relieving thousands of meals drivers who would otherwise deliver goods throughout the weekend. Twitter employees also had the opportunity to meet members of the Meals on Wheels San Francisco team including drivers, social workers, nutritionists, community partners, volunteers, donors, and advocates who serve as a formidable force against senior neglect and malnutrition.

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Volunteering at the Humane Rescue Alliance (Washington, D.C.):
Among one of the #TwitterForGood Day efforts in Washington DC, members of the @TwitterDC team spent the day at ​the ​Humane Rescue Alliance (@HumaneRescue)​, ​​a​ local 501(c)3 ​animal welfare organization. There, they spent the day playing with the animals, worked together to create enrichment toys and provided valuable human interaction with animals to prepare the animals for adoption. The group also learned more about organization’s work in the community,​ ​from medical to humane law enforcement to adoption, as well as the importance of Twitter and​ social media on increasing their chances of adoption.

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Sorting donations at Little Essentials (New York):
Established in 2011, Little Essentials (@LittlEssentials) seeks to improve the health and safety of children living in poverty by providing urgently needed resources and parenting education to their families. Over the last six years, they have helped more than 25,000 children in New York City by providing direct support to their families. Twitter employees from @TwitterNYC helped the Little Essentials team sort through donations for some of the most vulnerable children in the area. 

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Giving Away Backpacks at Public School with State Bags (New York):
On #TwitterforGood Day, team members from the New York office spent the day with the State Bags team, helping kids stuff their new bags with donated items such as school supplies, socks, and healthy snacks. @StateBags is a Brooklyn-born organization that supplies hand-delivered bags to American children in need. 

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Cleaning Up Central Park (New York):
Twitter employees from @TwitterNYC worked on the landscaping and beautification of Heckscher Playground in Central Park. There, they worked alongside Central Park Conservancy gardeners, raking and weeding in the park to help restore the southeast wall of the playground.

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Helping Local Nonprofits Use Twitter (Toronto, Ontario):
Throughout the day, employees @TwitterCanada worked with various nonprofits, to help them use Twitter more efficiently for their organization. In the morning, the team met with executives from The Maddie Project, an organization dedicated to sparking conversation and reducing the stigma around youth mental health. The Maddie Project shared an overview of their organization and important data around youth struggling with mental health, and the group brainstormed on how we can best leverage our internal expertise and Twitter to help drive awareness for youth mental health.

In the afternoon, @TwitterCanada hosted teams from more than 40 nonprofit organizations across the Greater Toronto Area for an immersive hands-on Twitter workshop. People from different teams led how-to presentations, interactive exercises, discussions and interactions, to help the organizations optimize their brand on Twitter.


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Bringing Joy to Children with Cancer (São Paulo, Brazil):
Twitter employees from @TwitterBrasil provided a morning full of fun and joy to the children of ITACI hospital (@beabaorg) - Institute for the Treatment of Childhood Cancer. Activities included painting, telling stories, building playdough sculptures, making balloon animals, and donating personal hygiene kits.

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Training Non-Profits on Twitter best practices (São Paulo, Brazil):
@TwitterBrasil employees trained a series of nonprofits in the country on best practices on how to use the Twitter platform to disseminate their messages, creating a call to action for fundraising, among other goals. Each NGO sat with an individual Twitter employee who walked them through tips and offered suggestions and advice for their accounts.

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A Day with the Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (Mexico City, Mexico):
@TwitterLatAm employees visited The Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (@apacdf) where they assisted APAC teachers, read books to children, helped feed pupils, and painted with them. Our team also underwent a sensitivity workshop to learn how to interact with people with cerebral palsy with dignity and mutual respect.

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